Celebrate International Workers' Day with Brighton, Hove and District Trades Union Council and the Brighton and Hove TUC Unemployed Workers’ Centre this May Day.
MUSIC NIGHT - 7pm Sunday 3 May
- Chairman Wow! [Garage punk covers]
- Mike Terry [Rock'n'roll singer-songwriter]
- Pagan Wonderer Lu [Electro punk pop]
- Hollywood Assassins [Rock'n'roll surf]
at the Latest Music Bar
Manchester Street, Brighton
FAMILY DAY - 1pm Monday 4 May
Stalls, speakers, music, food and drink
at the Hollingdean Community Centre
Thompson Road, Brighton
Both events are FREE!
Join Brighton trade unionists and campaigners in remembering the heroic struggles of working people with hundreds of thousands of celebrations taking place this May Day weekend across the world.
The history and the achievements of the trade union movement can be seen today in almost all of our day-to-day lives. The creation of the National Health Service, pension rights, council homes, maternity and paternity leave, free education, disability rights, decent conditions at work, the eight-hour working day, along with many more, have all been fought for by mass movements of working class people. And while these public services are constantly under attack and threatened with privatisations and cuts, they are still in existance today because of the working class unity and fighting spirit offered by the organised trade union movement.
When Aneurin Bevan opened the first NHS hospital in 1948 he said the NHS will only continue to exist as long as their are people around to fight for it. Yet in this statement he spoke about all these social achievements won by the working class and the importance of continuing to fight for their survival and constant improvement.
With the threats of racism and fascism, changes in the labour market, debates over the future of public services and the unjustified effects of capitalism’s current crisis on the working class, the trade union voice in the community is as important as ever. The capacity of trades union councils to provide a local response and to organise trade unionists into coalitions with other progressive forces is crucial. This includes keeping local trade unionists up-to-date with developments within the wider trade union movement and by taking up relevant local industrial and community issues.
The usefulness of such a network has been demonstrated time and again over the last few months in Brighton alone. The strike of Unite workers at Sussex University over an attack on pensions; the strike ballot of bus workers over pay on Brighton & Hove Buses; the strikes in local government and the Civil Service by Unison and PCS members; the CWU Post Office workers strike last winter; the strikes of UCU lecturers in FE colleges; the action of the teachers in the NUT; the ‘wild-cat’ actions of the GMB organised refuse workers... Every action was a triumph in itself yet strengthened further by the organised support of the local trades council.
Come along and get involved in the celebrations this May Day and find out more about how the trade union movement can be built to fight for a better world.
Solidarity is strength!