Socialist Party members from across the South East took part in a day of action in Hastings this Saturday. Comrades helped to spread word of the Youth Fight For Jobs campaign with nearly a thousand leaflets distributed and over 100 petition signitures collected demanding more is done to create real jobs for all.
With unemployment for under 25s set to top 1 million by the end of this summer it is crucial that the trade union movement, socialists, all youth and the unemployed unite and organise to demand proper support, jobs and living conditions for everyone affected by the economic crisis. If the capitalists and the bankers who caused this mess can get a bailout, why can't the rest of us?
Click here to find out about the national demonstration that the Youth Fight For Jobs campaign is organising on the 28 November with trade union support from the RMT, PCS and CWU.
For more information visit www.youthfightforjobs.com or email us at info.bhsp@gmail.com to find out how you can get involved in our next local day of action.