We face an unprecedented attack on our public services in the form of huge budget cuts. Already vital services are being slashed and this is set to accelerate after the government's spending review last Thursday.
Brighton has had the biggest anti-cuts group launch meeting in the country and our unions have organised many events to spread the anti-cuts message. The march planned this coming weekend will be a huge demonstration of our will to halt the government and provide a big platform for workers whose jobs are under threat and service users who are standing up to defend our welfare state.
We need hundreds of local people, trade unionists and students out on the streets to make it clear to our local city councillors that we won't stand for any cuts in public services.
Despite what we are told these cuts are not only unnecessary they will damage the economy and more importantly millions of people's lives.
Saturday 30 October 12 noon, assemble at The Level. Join in, bring your friends and workmates, help publicise the march. Join the Facegroup event here and email brightontradescouncil@gmail.com to get publicity material or to offer help and suggestions.