John McInally, Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) national vice-president (personal capacity)
The current battle over pensions is a defining one for our movement. Over two million workers from 24 unions took action together on 30th November in the biggest show of strength in living memory.
This show of solidarity and determination gave hope to millions beyond the trade union movement who are looking for a lead against a government which is carrying out the most breathtaking transfer of wealth and power in British history through a cuts and privatisation programme in the interests of the banking and business elite and against that of 99% of the population.
Most working people instinctively know that the best way to confront this government's attacks is through the organised strength of the trade union movement.
Defeating the attacks on pensions would not only defend the terms and conditions of millions of mainly low-paid public sector workers but would also create a firm platform on which to challenge the wider cuts programme itself.