France & Greece:
AUSTERITY is socialism back
on the agenda?
across Europe have sounded a clear message: ‘No to austerity’. In just over a
year ten governments in the Eurozone have been kicked out as the opposition to unrelenting
cuts grows. Parties of the left and also, dangerously, parties of the far-right
have made electoral gains. Most recently the people of Greece and France have
made clear that they do not accept the lie that there is no alternative to
cuts. Here in Britain, too, a majority of those that voted used the local
elections to punish the Con-Dem government.
revolt at the ballot box, general strikes, occupations and mass protests are
sweeping Europe. Greece has had 17 general strikes in two years, and Spain and
Italy are catching up. In Britain in 2011 we had the biggest single day of
strike action since 1926 against cuts in pensions and, despite the attempts of
some trade union leaders to derail the movement, the struggle for a living
pension continues. The TUC have called a national demonstration against
austerity on 20th October.
how can we stop the cuts? Is democratic socialism the alternative to endless
austerity and, if so, how can we bring it about? Come to our public meeting to
discuss the lessons of Greece and France. Join the battle to stop the cuts in
Britain and the struggle build a society in the interests of the 99%.
7:30 PM Phoenix Community Centre
Phoenix Place, Brighton BN2 9ND, close to St Peters’ church)
For more details: Phone us on 07894 716095, email: info.bhsp@gmail.com, or visit our website