Friday 18 January 2008

Fundraising gig for NHS campaign

[First published on our website: 28 June 2007]

On Wednesday 27 the Prince Albert Pub in Brighton played host to a sell out benefit gig in aid of the local Keep Our NHS Public campaign in which Socialist Party members play a leading role.

Two local bands - Sweet Nothing and Dirty Dig - generously playing for free, and entertained the packed out room with angular punk and classic blues rock being the order of the day. With tickets at just a fiver each, the gig easily sold out and raised £500 to keep the campaign running and producing material in a period when the battle to defend the NHS from privatisation is as bitter as ever.

The gig came about as the Brighton Keep Our NHS Public group desperately needed funds to continue its campaign against the cuts, closures and privatisations being carried out on the health services in Brighton and the surrounding area. Socialist Party comrades lead the campaign group and it was encouraging to see a turnout that included many Socialist party members, health workers, socialists and people new to the campaign. With this captive audience, it also provided an opportunity to raise the profile of the campaign, to build for the demonstration the following weekend and explain the views of the Socialist Party concerning the need for an end to privatisation of the NHS and the introduction of a publicly owned comprehensive health care system, free of all charges.