Photos: The rally and peace march on Sunday 18 January in Brighton
Brighton and Hove Socialist Party branches held a public meeting on the current crisis in the Gaza strip. Nearly 30 people, including seven who had never been to a Socialist Party meeting before, attended to discuss the situation in Gaza and how a permanent end to the bloodshed might be achieved. Judy Beishon, editor of The Socialist newspaper and from the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI), spoke outlining the reasons behind the crisis and described the work of the CWI section in Israel. She also explained how the mass actions of the working class in the occupied territories, Israel and around the world could bring an end the occupation. This was followed by a lively discussion in which many issues were raised including the possibility of a consumer boycott of Israeli goods. After hearing the arguments, one person agreed to join the Socialist Party that night with others signing up to attend further branch meetings.
On the Sunday following the meeting on Gaza, the Brighton and Hove Socialist Party branches joined a silent protest against the siege of Gaza, which was attended by around 500 people. This was the third demonstration in the Brighton area against the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza and shows the anger of ordinary people at the slaughter taking place.
For up-to-date reports on the Socialist Party's perspective and campaigning on ending the terror in Gaza permanently click here.