Youth Fight For Jobs demonstration in Rhondda, Wales
The Youth Fight For Jobs campaign has raised its profile right across Britain as the leading youth organisation fighting back against the effects of the current recession following a recent successful fortnight of action. Sarah Wrack, from the University of Sussex Socialist Students group, reports back from the events that took place locally.
In Brighton we decided to concentrate on a fundraising gig and a meeting for the fortnight of action. After the European election results, we thought it was important to discuss the threat posed by the racist far-right British National Party and how they have no solutions to the difficulties young people suffer in the economic crisis.
The meeting also provided a good opportunity to talk about building YFJ locally. We decided to write a leaflet and build for a protest around the issue of agencies which are used to recruit a lot of people in Brighton, particularly students, to jobs with poor pay, conditions and job security.
The gig raised £70 and speeches between bands meant we could get our ideas to a layer of young people who may not initially be interested in coming to political meetings. One of the most important things we gained from the fortnight was that people who had not previously organised activities took charge and learnt a lot from the experience, meaning they will be able to take a lead for future events.
This, combined with meeting several people interested in getting involved and making good concrete plans, means the fortnight of action definitely gave YFJ more local focus in Brighton.
For more info on the campaign check out www.youthfightforjobs.com or email us at info.bhsp@gmail.com if you want to get involved locally.