Monday 7 December 2009

PUBLIC MEETING: What can the workers do? 6pm Wednesday 9 December, Phoenix Community Centre, Phoenix Place, Brighton

6pm Wednesday 9 DecemberPhoenix Community Centre, Phoenix Place, Brighton

The local hub of the trade union movement has called a public meeting to discuss the job cuts taking place across the city.

Brighton, Hove & District Trades Council, alongside the campaign group Youth Fight for Jobs, is inviting all workers and their families to the afterwork meeting being held at 6pm Wednesday 9 December at the Phoenix Community Centre, Phoenix Place, Brighton.

Across Brighton & Hove working people are being threatened with redundancy as workplaces close down. It is getting harder than ever to find work in Brighton and Hove.

As well as Lloyds, Borders and Threshers shutting, Brighton council is looking to lose 150 workers and Sussex University want to axe nearly 200 jobs.

If not challenged companies will try to make job cuts on the cheap even when they are half-owned by the taxpayer.

However, time and time again it has been shown that strong unions can and do make a positive difference when jobs are under threat.

General secretary of Brighton, Hove and District Trades Union Council Bill North said: “As the local offical body of the trade union movement it is important that we join together to help all workers facing job cuts and attacks. Our collective strength has a huge positive impact in defending working people against these unjustified job losses. We need to get organised against job losses and for job creation and this meeting provides us with an opportunity to discuss how we can work together to win the best deal for all workers.”

Sarah Wrack from Youth Fight for Jobs, a youth-led campaign which held a 1,000-strong march and demonstration in London last month against youth unemployment, said: “Nearly 1 million 16 to 24-year-olds are already facing years on the dole because of this crisis of capitalism. In Brighton a majority of these jobs cuts are once again expected to be dished out to young workers already struggling to pay back massive student debts as well as trying to live, eat and keep warm. We urge all young workers to attend this important meeting to find out what can be done to rescue a future out of this mess.”

Brighton, Hove & District Trades Council
07709 696561

Youth Fight for Jobs
07984 027754
Facebook: Brighton Youth Fight for Jobs