Tuesday 4 May 2010

Cuts? How do you like these cuts?

The main capitalist parties threaten working class people with cuts after the election to make us pay for their economic crisis, yet all three are keeping their vicious plans a secret because we wouldn't vote for them otherwise.

But working class people don't need to pay for this crisis at all. Instead, we offer a socialist budget that puts people before profits, that puts the millions before the millionaires. The main three capitalist parties would rather spend our money on the following items below but look at what we could cut instead of hospitals, schools, jobs and public services. Here's our simple economic alternative that shows there is another way...

Vote Dave Hill on May 6! Vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition!
Brighton TUSC Election Rally!
Wednesday 6pm at the Phoenix Community Centre,
Phoenix Place, Brighton
Visit brightontusc.blogspot.com