Monday, 21 June 2010

Demonstrate against the Con-Dem budget!

Protest supported by UNISON, GMB, PCS, RMT, Keep Our NHS Public, Right to work, Brighton Benefits Campaign & Youth Fight For Jobs.

On 22 June the government will unveil its 'emergency budget', after having already announced £6 billion of cuts. Now this coalition of millionaires is due to impose yet more cuts in public services. It really is an emergency!

Hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost on top of already soaring unemployment, public services will suffer enormously as resources are stripped out and our welfare state is dismantled. The problems with debt were created by huge bank bailouts but it is going to be the working class that foots the bill.

After the second world war, in a situation of even higher debt, the NHS and the welfare state was created. Now it seems debt will be used as the excuse to pull them apart, while we continue to spend money on Trident nuclear submarines, and let the super rich evade taxes.

We are protesting to say to the government that we won't pay for the crisis, and to tell our councillors that their job is to represent us, not push through government cuts.

Join us in saying NO to the cuts!
Click here to join the event on Facebook...
Click here to read the editorial in the Socialist...