Support meeting for ex-Telegen staff and all call centre workers
This Thursday 3 June, 7pm
Kemptown Crypt, underneath St George's church, St George's Road, Brighton
From Brighton, Hove and District Trades Union Council and Youth Fight For Jobs
On Friday 21 June up to 400 workers at call centre Telegen were made redundant without any notice, due to Telegen going into liquidation. This has had a big impact on their lives. They are now owed a minimum of two weeks pay, and it is up to the creditors to decide how much they will receive.
Brighton and Hove Trades Council and Youth Fight for Jobs have called this meeting to give advice to the workers and launch a campaign to get call centre workers into trade unions. A speaker from the PCS Trade Union Young Members Network will be answering questions on workplace and redundancy rights.
This meeting will be part Q&A, part an explanation of the benefit of being in a trade union and part a rally to say to young workers and workers generally; how many more job losses must we face in Brighton and Britain as a whole?
In the words of one ex-Telegen worker "It is disgusting the way they have treated us. Employers take us for granted; they see us as numbers not people. We have food, rent and bills to pay but they don’t care. They think we are disposable.
"We want our wages and we want them soon! We want compensation for the worry and difficulties we have been through, especially the people who have lost their homes. We want the books to be opened and we want to see where all the money went. And we want to know why they lied to us, and why the Directors couldn’t face us themselves?"