Sunday 27 November 2011

if they don't back down…

TUC: Name the Day for a 48-hour public sector strike!
Today is Britain's largest strike since 1926! Up to 3 million workers are on strike in the greatest response so far to the government's attacks on public sector workers and service users.
Faced with economic crisis, many people felt that if they took a little bit of pain, reduced their hours or took a pay cut, then the storm might pass. But the attack on pensions is only a foot in the door. All of the gains of working-class people, from the NHS to education to housing and much more, will be left vulnerable if these attacks go through.
We say:
  • No increase in the retirement age
  • No compulsory shift to career average
  • No increase in contributions, and
  • Reinstate the link with RPI for pension calculation.
Decisions on negotiations and further action should not be left in the hands of the trade union leaders; we demand democratic control of the negotiations at every stage. Unless this is secured, the trade unions must escalate action after November 30th. That means action up to and including a 48 hour public sector strike, with an appeal to private sector unions to co-ordinate action for whatever day is picked.
The ConDems try to justify these attacks saying they are necessary for the economy. But they are not, and we did not cause this crisis. For years the super-rich and big business sought greater and greater profits in the financial markets, and the New Labour government helped them by cutting regulation. But their profits were also 'made' by driving down workers wages, attacking working conditions and privatising public services. This millionaire’s government wants us to pay for a crisis they built while public sector workers shouldered pay and recruitment freezes.
The battle is about much more than pensions. In order to defend our hard-won wages and pension rights it is necessary both to defeat this government, along with every government attempting to make us pay for the crisis. That means campaigning to rid society of the profit system.
The Socialist Party campaigns for a new workers’ party to build a mass, democratic force of the working-class alongside others in the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (Public Meeting: Monday 5th December 7-30pm, Phoenix Community Centre). We are fighting for a socialist transformation of society, where the economy and our lives are not held to ransom for the profits of the few, and the needs of society can be democratically decided.
What Strategy beyond N30? - Socialist Party public meeting – Wednesday November 30th, 6pm Phoenix Community Centre, Speakers: Phil Clarke NUT (personal capacity)
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