Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year! Brighton and Hove Socialist Party Meetings in January 2012

January 2012 Branch Meetings (all at 7.30 PM)

Wednesday 4th January: 2012: ANOTHER YEAR OF STRUGGLE:
2011 was the year in which world crisis of capitalism deepened, the collapse of economies across the Euro-zone, the uprising across the Arab world, the world-wide ‘occupy’ movement and riots and strikes in Britain showed the profit system is dead, and millions want an alternative. Concentrating on the challenges facing working people in Brighton, such as the attacks on living standards from bosses in public and private sectors and the cuts proposed by Green councillors we will discuss how to build the Socialist Party and the wider youth and workers movements as viable organisations to change society in the new year.

Wednesday 11th January: STOP THE DORRIES ‘ABSTINENCE’ BILL – Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights:
The extreme right-wing MP Nadine Dorries is sponsoring a private members bill to ‘end ‘teenage pregnancies’ through compulsory ‘abstinence’ courses for young women in secondary schools. Dorries and the ‘Evangelical’ churches want to launch a ‘moral crusade’ of blame directed at young people. Socialists believe however that the real need is for women to have access to full control over their bodies through genuine sex-education, proper birth control and political and social equality. The Socialist Party is totally opposed to a return to hypocritical, patriarchal ‘Victorian’ values and is building for the lobby of parliament when Dorries bill is read on 20th January.

Wednesday 18th January: ‘CIVIL WAR WITHOUT GUNS’ – The 1984-5 Miners’ Strike:
The last time the Tory Party took on the trade unions resulted in a mass strike by the National Union of Mine Workers to prevent pit closures. This magnificent strike contains many lessons for workers struggles today: including the disastrous role which can be played by right wing trade union leaders wedded to the profit system, how to build unity within the class and the important role that women play in building militant working class struggle.

Wednesday 25th January: HOW TO ARGUE THE SOCIALIST CASE :
This will be ‘workshop’ session in which we will learn practical skills in arguing the case for socialism, on the doorstep, in our workplaces and in meetings of the labour movment. If you’ve ever been stumped for a ‘killer argument’ for a fairer society, this is your chance to work it out!

MAP OF PHOENIX COMMUNITY CENTRE: www.maps.google.com/maps/place?q=The+Phoenix+Community+Centre,+2+Phoenix+Place,+Brighton,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&cid=5282115629716635566

Brighton Socialist Party meets every Wednesday at 7-30pm in the Phoenix Community Centre, (2 Phoenix Place, Brighton BN2 9ND, close to St Peters’ church) to discuss a featured topic. These meetings are open to all and everyone is encouraged to join in and debate, so come along if you're interested.

For more details:

Also, don't forget to pop along to our Saturday mid-morning/lunchtime stalls on London Road opposite Boots, by the Churchill Square bus stops, or on St James Street to grab your copy of our weekly paper - The Socialist!

Contact Details

For more information please visit our branch website at brightonhovesocialistparty.blogspot.com , our main website at www.socialistparty.org.uk

You can even join us on our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter

This video was filmed just before the strike, it is a brief introduction to our ideas: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKTTxsjPBnA

If you would like to join the Socialist Party, click to here to register you interest: www.socialistparty.org.uk/main/join