Thursday 5 April 2012

April Branch Meetings

April 2012 Branch Meetings - every wednesday, 7:30pm Phoenix Community Centre (click here for map)

Wednesday 4th April: ‘IMMIGRATION CRISIS’: What is the Socialist Response? All of the bosses’ parties blame ‘immigrants’ for unemployment and shortages of jobs and services. At the end of the month the ‘March for Britain’ will give the racist thugs of the EDL a platform to spread vile slurs and violence against ‘immigrants’ and ‘Muslims’ on the streets of Brighton. What is the answer socialists put forward? How can we best expose the hypocrisy of bosses who use ‘immigration’ and ‘labour mobility’ as a cloak for cheap labour policies of a ‘race to the bottom’?

Wednesday 11th April: SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE: For or Against? The SNP government in Scotland plan a referendum on independence in the next few years. What alternative should Socialists put forward? Do we call for a socialist independent Scotland? Is real independence possible inside the bosses EU and with the British Queen as head of state as the SNP believe? Would the breakup of the UK make socialism in England and Wales more likely or provide a ‘built in’ Tory majority for years to come?

Wednesday 18th April: THE CUBAN REVOLUTION: 53 years on. The Pope has declared in Cuba that ‘Marxism has lost touch with reality’. Yet the workers state in Cuba has resisted US embargoes and invasion attempts for over half a century. Did the Castro regime intend to create a socialist society in 1959? And have they succeeded if they did? Above all what does Raoul Castro’s privatisation and cuts programme mean for the workers in Cuba?


6:30 PM – Friends Meeting House



This is a special public meeting with a guest speaker, Roger Davey a member of the Health Group Executive of Unison (in a personal capacity). It will discuss the Coalition attempts to privatise the NHS and how a fight back can be organised. It will particularly discuss the fight to defend jobs, wages and pensions in the NHS and the campaign for a national demonstration to defend the Health Services.

Wenesday25th April : The Socialist paper - members-only meeting

Brighton Socialist Party meets every Wednesday at 7-30pm in the Phoenix Community Centre, (2 Phoenix Place, Brighton BN2 9ND, close to St Peters’ church) to discuss a featured topic. These meetings are open to all and everyone is encouraged to join in and debate, so come along if you're interested. For more details: Phone us on 07894 716095, email:, or visit our website