Monday 14 January 2013

Brighton and Hove Socialist Party Branch Meetings JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 (all at 8:00 PM)

Brighton Socialist Party meets every Thursday at 8:00 PM in the Phoenix Community Centre, (2 Phoenix Place, Brighton BN2 9ND, close to St Peters’ church) to discuss a featured topic. These meetings are open to all and everyone is encouraged to join in and debate, so come along if you're interested. For more details: 
 Phone us on 07894 716095,  email:, or visit our website 

Thursday 17TH JANUARY:  ‘ASK THE SOCIALISTS?’ This meeting gives everyone an opportunity to ask the questions which never seem to get answered: ‘do revolution inevitably degenerate?’, ‘why don’t more workers fight back?’, ‘is there a difference between socialism and communism?’, ‘should racists and sexists be banned or would that be undemocratic’? Come armed with two questions you would like answered. We will put them all in a hat and pull some out at random. Not every question gets answered, but it should guarantee an unexpected and stimulating discussion….

Thursday 24TH JANUARY:  RAPE CULTURE: Endemic to Capitalism? The Jimmy Saville Case, the Julian Assange Extradition and the mass movement against sexual violence in India have focussed attention on violence against women. Are men ‘naturally’ sexually predatory or is sexual assault and harassment a reflection of unequal economic and power relations in our society. Is sexual harassment a ‘secondary’ or ‘personal’ issue for socialists? Or is its eradication at the centre of the struggle for equality?

Thursday 31st JANUARY: CHINA: ‘Socialist Dream’ or ‘Free Market Nightmare? As China becomes and increasingly dominant economic power does its position in world markets guarantee wealth for the Chinese masses or is there a need to renew the struggle for economic, political and social liberation in the world’s most populous nation?

Thursday 7th FEBRUARY: BUILDING FOR SOCIALISM IN BRIGHTON: Branch Annual General Meeting. At this meeting we will review our work in 2012, and set targets for 2013. We will also elect our officers and delegates to attend the Socialist Party’s National Congress in March. Only Socialist Party members can take part in votes at this meeting, but visitors are welcome if you phone or email us before (see over for contact details).

Thursday 14th FEBRUARY: HOW SHOULD A SOCIALIST PARTY BE ORGANISED: Democratic Centralism Explained. As part of our pre-conference discussion we will discuss how a revolutionary party should organise. How do we reconcile full democracy in decision making with maximum unity in action? Are capitalist commentators correct to blame the ‘Leninist Party’ for the degeneration of the Russian Revolution? Do we need new method of organisation in the ‘internet age’?

Thursday 21st FEBRUARY: NATIONAL LIBERATION AND THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION: The Right of Nations to Self-Determination. Across the World, from Palestine to Sri Lanka, and from Ukraine to the Falklands the ‘National Question’ is the focus of wars and revolutions. Is ‘Nation Liberation’ central to socialism, or a ‘chauvinist’ distraction? How would a socialist society meet the political and cultural demands of national minorities?

Thursday 28th FEBRUARY: SOCIALIST PARTY CONGRESS 2013: Preparatory Meeting. On the eve of our National Congress the branch will discuss the resolutions put forward to the Congress and mandate our delegates. Only Socialist Party members can take part in votes at this meeting, but visitors are welcome if you phone or email us before (see below for contact details).