Monday 1 March 2010
March for Jobs!
First up, Brighton Hove and District trades council involving Socialist Party members have organised a March for Jobs demonstration for this Saturday 6 March starting at 12 midday on The Level, Brighton.
With jobs losses and the threat of job cuts and public service cuts looming, as the private sector and the main political parties prepare to make working people pay for this crisis of capitalism, it is as important as ever that workers, pensioners, the unemployed, students and youth mobilise and unite to fight back against these unjustified attacks.
Visit for more info.
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
The trade union movement is leading the way in many workplaces to defend their members and the working class. But none of the political parties standing in the coming general are going to stand and fight for working people. In fact, they all want to lay the burden of the recession onto the shoulders of working people while the fat cats are fed larger and larger bonuses paid for by us!
For years working people were told there was no money for decent pay, pensions, homes, health, jobs and education. But suddenly there is enough to bail out the capitalist gambling and speculation that has caused this mess! We say enough is enough.
The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition is a political alliance preparing to standing in constituencies right across the country consisting of leading trade union fighters and socialist campaigners striving to defend working class communities, jobs and services against the cuts on offer from the capitalist parties.
With RMT General Secretary Bob Crow and Socialist Party Deputy General Secretary Hannah Sell speaking at this Brighton launch to introduce your TUSC Brighton Kemptown candidate Dave Hill, this meeting offers workers the opportunity to get involved in the crucial political fight back that links together the industrial and electorial battles against the job losses and cuts that our not the fault of working people.
Visit,, Facebook: Brighton TUSC
Join us at the March for Jobs and the TUSC election launch.