The local Bright Start nursery threatened with closure and the loss of some 30 jobs has won a temporary stay of execution after a fabulous campaigning effort by staff and the trade unions. Over 1,600 signatures have been collected on petitions in a matter of weeks demonstrating the strength of feeling for this valuable service.
However given the chance some councillors will go backtrack on this position and the pressure must be kept up to ensure that this opening shot in the "cuts war" falls flat on its face!
The Brighton Socialist says; Save Bright Start nursery! No to cuts in care provision around the city! No to cuts across Brighton public services! City councillors must reject the ConDem cuts budget and set a budget based on what Brighton people need! Build the Brighton Stop the Cuts Coalition with campaigning groups, trade unions and ordinary people!
Read the Argus article here... Click here for the BBC coverage of the campaign... and Click here to sign the online petition...