[Photograph by Holly Smith]
Throughout this day of action, students across the country demonstrated, occupied and walked out against the government's attacks on further and higher education.
This day of protests followed on from the magnificent 50,000-strong show of student anger in London on 10 November.
Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) and Socialist Students initiated and participated in many of the protests nationally. Click here for reports from across the country...
In Brighton well over 3,000 school, college and university students walked out and demonstrated through the city in one of the biggest mobilisations outside of London. Click here for trades council reports...
Local student organisers are now planning for the next stage of actions and a petition has been created to build support for the growing movement. Please sign via here and get everyone you know to do the same.
Contact Ross on info.bhsp@gmail.com for local organising meetings and more information.