Photos by Peter Knight
On Saturday 11 December up to 400 students, parents, and children marched through Lewes, to voice their anger at the proposed abolition of the EMA, and the decision to vote through the increase in tuition fees.
The peaceful march, organised by local students and parents from Priory School and helped by Socialist Party members, proceeded passed the local constituency office of Norman Baker MP, who last week said he was considering resigning his position as Junior Transport Minister in order to oppose the policy, yet ended up voting for it anyway.
There was a strong anti Lib-Dem feeling on the march, with many people saying they felt betrayed by Norman Baker's decision, and would not be voting for him again.
The march culminated with speeches in the High Street by local students, teachers and Socialist Party members. Many passers-by expressed support for the march, and said they would be attending the launch meeting of the new local anti-cuts group taking place tonight.
Click here to join the Lewes Stop the Cuts Facebook group. Viva la Lewes!